What is coaching?
Life can be an uphill battle. Sometimes we feel stuck and don’t know exactly what we want. Sometimes we do know what we want, but we aren’t making any moves in our life to get there. Navigating challenges, big decisions, and unexpected change on your own can feel overwhelming. A coach is often just what is needed to help gain clarity and move forward with confidence.
What is a life coach?
A life coach is someone that helps you get from point A to point B.
Point A is where you are at, point B is where you want to be. A coach helps identify what’s currently getting in the way from getting yourself to point B. Coaches create space for you to understand your motivations and help you make a plan of action towards your goal. You want results in your life? Hire a coach.
Basic coaching philosophy:
A common misconception is that coaches provide advice. However, a coach is more like an unbiased brainstorming partner. The central belief in coaching is that all the information needed is already inside of you. You just need some help getting it out, getting it organized, making a plan, and having accountability to follow through.
How is coaching different from therapy?
The line between coaching and therapy can be hard to distinguish.
Therapy focuses on working through things that have happened in the past to get a hold on the present. Coaching focuses what is happening in the present to create your desired future. Therapy is more about processing feelings and coaching is more about getting results. Coaching is action oriented, therapy is insight-oriented.
If you are working through issues related to trauma, depression, anxiety, or what happened in childhood, you’ll want to do that with a therapist.